WW1 Soldier's Encounter: Mysterious Hairy Creature with Red Eyes in Cannock Chase

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of a possible Woodwose encounter during World War I has recently come to light, thanks to a viewer who shared their family story with YouTube channel Deborah Hatswell #BBR. The story takes place at Cannock Chase, a large area of heathland in Staffordshire, England, which was used as a military camp during the first and second World Wars. According to the viewer's grandfather, Ron, German prisoners of war were afraid to escape or venture into the forest because they had seen a wild, hairy man moving around the trees. At first, Ron and his fellow soldiers dismissed the Germans' fears as mere superstition or a ploy to avoid punishment for attempting to escape. However, one night, while on night duty, Ron and another guard heard noises coming from the trees outside the barbed wire perimeter. They initially thought it was a deer or badger, but soon realized it was a much larger animal. When they shone their torches into the woods, the noise stopped, but they both sensed that something was watching them. They decided to turn off their torches and wait. After a minute, they heard the noise again, this time further away. They shone their torches towards the direction of the noise and saw a tall, hairy figure with red eyes, lifting its arm to cover its face from the glare of the light. As they watched, the figure seemed to slowly vanish, its long hair becoming a dead vine hanging down a tree, and its legs and body blending in with the leaves of the Rhododendron bush. The viewer also mentioned that they had found a film on YouTube that mentioned the military camp and the fact that the Germans believed there was a wild one in the surrounding forest. Ron and his fellow soldiers never took the German stories seriously, but they also never told anyone about their own encounter in case they were teased or worse, disciplined for not going after the creature. This account is particularly interesting because it highlights the mysterious nature of Woodwose or Wild Men sightings. The way the creature appeared and disappeared, and its ability to remain hidden, is a common theme in many Woodwose encounters. The fact that this sighting took place in a military camp during World War I, where the soldiers would have been trained to be observant and alert, adds credibility to the story. We encourage our readers to watch the video and draw their own conclusions. The video also includes a link to an early Woodwose documentary from across the UK, which may be of interest to our readers. As always, we welcome any and all Woodwose sightings and accounts, and we encourage our readers to share their own experiences with us.