Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube featuring a bigfooter named Stevie. In the video, Stevie shares about his experiences bigfooting and his love for music.
Stevie goes by many different names online, but in real life, he goes by Steven. He has a music channel on YouTube called "Dude Robot" where he posts guitar covers, instrumentals, and original music. But bigfooting is also one of his hobbies, and he enjoys the contrast between his online life and his time spent out in the field.
During their bigfooting adventures, Stevie often brings his ukulele and plays music that fits the area they're in. In the video, he mentions wanting to learn how to play the flute and banjo to add to his musical repertoire.
Stevie's YouTube channel is "Dude Robot," and he doesn't have any other links to share. He's been out bigfooting with the videographer a few times, and they seem to have a great time together in the field.
It's always fascinating to hear from different bigfooters and learn about their experiences and methods. If you're interested in bigfooting, I encourage you to check out Stevie's video and maybe even reach out to him to hear more about his adventures. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about playing music in the woods!