Bigfoot Encounters: Time Loss, Missing Rifles, and a 14-Foot Creature
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
A fellow researcher and witness recently shared their experiences on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel, and I couldn’t help but be intrigued by their stories. In the video titled “Bear Behind Me While Filming Experience Shares,” the witness recounts several peculiar encounters that have left him questioning the mysteries of the woods.
The first story revolves around a phenomenon known as “time loss.” The witness, along with his wife and daughter, were driving through a wooded area in Connecticut when they suddenly found themselves much closer to home than they had expected. Despite his wife’s insistence that he had not fallen asleep, the witness couldn’t shake the feeling that something strange had occurred. He even goes so far as to suggest that these creatures may exist on a different dimension, causing those who encounter them to lose consciousness or perception of time.
The second story takes place on a snowy winter hike along the Airline Trail, which is located near the witness’s backyard. While taking a break, the witness and his friend heard a mysterious “whoosh” sound and discovered that their rifles had been moved. The witness found his rifle leaning against a tree on the opposite side of the hill, with the barrel buried in the snow and the buttstock resting against the tree. Both men were baffled by this unexplainable occurrence, attributing it to one of the creatures being wary of their rifles.
The third and final story is a harrowing encounter in the woods of Willy’s Puddle or Williams Lake BC. While hunting with relatives and friends, the witness found himself separated from the group and leaning against a tree for a break. Suddenly, he heard heavy breathing right behind him and noticed steam rising from the exhales of a large creature. Unable to identify the animal, the witness slowly backed away and eventually heard a loud scream and the sound of a tree shaking violently. He hasn’t ventured back into the woods since.
These stories, shared on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel, offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of the unexplained. If you’re interested in learning more about these experiences, I encourage you to watch the video and share your thoughts in the comments. It’s always intriguing to hear about other people’s encounters and to consider the possibilities that lie within the realm of the unknown.