Bluff Creek Bigfoot Hunt: Unearthing Evidence & Eyewitness Accounts

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you'll want to check out this video from the YouTube channel Brown\_Dwarf. In the video, the explorers revisit the Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot film site and share their findings. As they explore the area, they come across some interesting features, such as a marked tree that looks like it was made by tying sticks together and cutting them. They also notice two giant trees that cross to make a giant X, and speculate that this might be where Patty, the name given to the Bigfoot in the Patterson Gimlin film, was walking. The explorers also come across some small tracks, which they cast, and speculate might be from a juvenile Bigfoot. They also find several cameras set up around the area, which they believe are from the Bluff Creek Project team. One of the most interesting finds in the video is a massive X made of rocks, which some believe is a nesting site for Bigfoot. The explorers also come across a Y-tree, which is a tree that has been pushed over and has a Y-shaped branch sticking out of it. This is a common feature found in Bigfoot sightings. As they explore the area, the team also comes across some wildlife, such as a bear and a deer. They also mention that they have heard growls and other strange noises in the area. Overall, the video is a fascinating look at the Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot film site and the surrounding area. The explorers do a great job of sharing their findings and speculating on what they might mean. If you're interested in Bigfoot, this is a must-watch video. It's worth noting that the opinions and speculations shared in the video are those of the explorers and not necessarily those of Squatchable. We respect all ideas and opinions when it comes to Bigfoot and encourage our readers to watch the video and form their own conclusions. You can check out the video for yourself on the Brown\_Dwarf YouTube channel. And as always, happy squatching!