Bigfoot Orb Sighting: Authentic Encounters and Critical Thinking

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Spirits Orbs in the House: A Common Occurrence for Swan Lake Bigfoot If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you've probably heard of Swan Lake Bigfoot, a YouTube channel that shares some fascinating stories and experiences related to Sasquatch. In a recent video, the channel's host shares an intriguing encounter with what appears to be a large spirit orb in her mother's house. The video starts with the host opening mail from supporters, thanking them for their pins from various locations. She then shares her experience from the previous night, where she saw a large orb, about 8-10 inches in diameter, slowly pass by a window in her mother's house. The orb was so captivating that she couldn't help but share the story with her viewers. As she began to film her mail video, a coyote started howling and yipping outside her kitchen window. She mentioned that she had heard stories about Bigfoot getting coyotes started, but she wasn't sure if that was the case this time. Nonetheless, she felt a strong presence, which she believes is common when discussing Sasquatch. While filming, she mentioned that she often feels the presence of orbs in her house and around her property. As if on cue, a small orb appeared on camera, moving from left to right. She expressed her gratitude for the experience and the opportunity to share it with her viewers. Towards the end of the video, she briefly touched on the topic of the Nephilim cult and how some people have accused her of gifting demon spirits. She firmly stated that she knows the difference between good and evil and has always experienced peace and love from the Sasquatch clans she has encountered. Swan Lake Bigfoot's video is a great reminder of the mysterious and fascinating world of Sasquatch. If you're interested in learning more about her experiences and the spirit orbs she encounters, be sure to check out her YouTube channel and watch the full video.