Hikers' Encounter: Shadowy Bigfoot with Cloaking Ability?

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on the YouTube channel "Boise Bigfoot" has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Destination Bigfoot cloaking Bigfoot!" (Boisebigfoot), features a group of individuals discussing an intriguing encounter they had while out in the field. One of the individuals in the video describes seeing a figure that appeared and disappeared right before their eyes. They mention that the figure had a "classic conical head," a characteristic commonly associated with descriptions of Bigfoot. The figure seemed to be able to move in a way that defied explanation, leading some to speculate about the possibility of cloaking. The idea of cloaking Bigfoot is not a new one, but it's certainly a controversial topic within the Bigfoot community. Some believe that the creature has the ability to manipulate its appearance and become invisible, while others are more skeptical. In the video, one of the individuals admits to being skeptical of the idea of cloaking Bigfoot, but after this encounter, they admit that their mind has been opened up a bit to the possibility. They mention that the figure was clearly visible when their flashlights were shone on it, but then seemed to disappear just as suddenly. The individual who had the encounter describes the figure as moving in a way that didn't seem possible for a creature of its size. They mention that the figure couldn't have cloaked, as there was something in between their lights and the rock wall that the figure was standing in front of. The video ends with the group discussing the encounter and the possibility of cloaking Bigfoot. While they don't come to any definitive conclusions, the encounter has certainly left them with more questions than answers. At Squatchable, we encourage our readers to watch the video and draw their own conclusions. Whether or not you believe in the possibility of cloaking Bigfoot, the encounter described in the video is certainly intriguing and worth a watch. As always, we respect all opinions within the Bigfoot community and encourage open-mindedness and healthy discussion.