In a recent video from the Paranormal Odyssey Podcast, titled "Sasquatch Terrorizes Michigan!", host Wayne and his co-host Tiffany discuss an unsettling encounter with a Sasquatch in Michigan.
The story begins with a family in Washington, where a young boy referred to the creature as the "cowboy man." This sparked a realization for Wayne, as his own children were playing outside, vulnerable to any potential threats.
Wayne then shares his own experience with a Sasquatch while visiting a ranch in Michigan. A skunk ape had snuck up behind a horse and grabbed it, causing the horse to panic and run into the swamp. The ranchers fired at the creature, which then ran into the swamp. Curious, Wayne visited the site a few days later and sensed a strange energy.
The hosts then welcome their guest, Bigfoot Michigan Rob, who shares his own encounters with Sasquatch and offers his insights on the creature's behavior. Rob is a researcher and investigator of the paranormal, with a focus on Sasquatch.
Throughout the video, Wayne and Tiffany promote their podcast and other shows under the Paranormal World Productions banner, as well as encourage viewers to join their YouTube membership program for exclusive content. They also mention their partnership with Reaper Apparel Co. and the Manimal Research organization on Facebook.
The video concludes with Wayne and Tiffany expressing their gratitude to their guest and encouraging viewers to check out their other shows and merchandise. They also remind viewers to stay vigilant and report any potential Sasquatch sightings.
As a curator of this video, I highly recommend watching it for a deeper dive into the world of Sasquatch and the experiences of those who have encountered this elusive creature.