Bigfoot Expedition: Corporate Sponsors Sought for October Movie Production

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Attention all Squatchable readers! As a video curator for our website, I've come across an interesting YouTube channel that I think you'll all find fascinating. Master Hughes of Master Used Productions is an adventurous filmmaker who specializes in exploring the wilderness and creating popular movies that are featured on 25 different platforms. In his latest video, Master Hughes is seeking corporate sponsors for his upcoming expedition and movie production. He's had success in the past with corporations donating equipment for his expeditions, and he's looking to expand that network. He emphasizes that his movies are a great opportunity for companies to get their name listed or mentioned as a sponsor, as his viewers are campers, outdoor people, and adventurers. Master Hughes is clear that he only uses quality equipment and does not sell reviews for equipment. He's looking for companies that can provide him with fantastic equipment that he can use in exchange for recognition in the movie titles. He's particularly interested in camping gear and electronic equipment, but he encourages any company that's interested in sponsoring him to reach out. It's worth noting that Master Hughes does not take people on his expeditions due to the danger and liability involved. He only goes on the expeditions himself or with one or two other people. However, he's open to working with corporations who have quality equipment that he can use. If you're interested in learning more about Master Hughes and his movies, you can check out his website at He's got one movie on there called "Adventure Sponsor" that might give you a better idea of what he's all about. You can also contact him on Facebook or through his website if you're interested in becoming a sponsor. At Squatchable, we're always on the lookout for interesting and unique content related to the world of Bigfoot and Sasquatch, and Master Hughes' videos definitely fit the bill. We encourage our readers to check out his channel and consider becoming a sponsor if you're interested in supporting his work. Who knows, maybe you'll be the lucky sponsor who helps him capture some exciting new footage of Bigfoot in action!