Mysterious Roadside Animal Encounter: Hypnotic Trance and Red Blood Clues
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
A strange encounter with a mysterious being has been captured on video and shared on the YouTube channel Supernatural Beings of Earth. The video, titled "Likely Dead but was under Hypnotic Trans," documents the individual's experiences with what appears to be a creature under some kind of hypnotic trance.
In the video, the individual describes finding the creature on the side of the road, with a small amount of blood on its nose. The creature is described as being in a trance-like state, and the individual speculates that it may have been "flicked" or knocked unconscious.
The creature is not referred to as an animal or beast, but rather as a being with its own consciousness and experiences. The individual who found the creature expresses concern for its well-being and speculates about the cause of its condition.
The video has sparked interest and speculation among the Bigfoot and Sasquatch community, with many wondering if this could be a rare sighting of one of these elusive creatures. While the video does not provide definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, it does raise interesting questions and adds to the ongoing conversation about these mysterious beings.
If you're interested in learning more about this strange encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Supernatural Beings of Earth YouTube channel. As a curator of this type of content, I encourage readers to keep an open mind and to continue exploring and discussing the possibility of the existence of these elusive creatures.