Hiker Encounters Mysterious Figure in Montana Timber Clearing: New Bigfoot Evidence?

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A few months ago, I stumbled upon a fascinating video from the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Society. The video, titled "A Lifetime of Bigfoot Encounters with Rick Rasmor, Pt. 1," features an interview with a gentleman named Rick from Oregon, who has spent decades gathering stories and anecdotal evidence about Bigfoot. Rick begins by sharing his own experiences and the stories he's heard from friends and acquaintances over the years. He emphasizes that he's not a researcher, but rather an avid outdoorsman who has a deep interest in Bigfoot. He's spent a lot of time in the woods of Oregon, hunting, fishing, and setting up trail cameras. One of the first stories Rick shares is from his brother's friend, Jeff, who went on a day hike in the mountains outside of Lincoln, Montana in the 80s. As Jeff and his family were approaching their car in a clearing, they noticed some people in the trailhead pointing and shouting. When they turned around, they saw a large, dark figure turn and walk back into the timber. Rick also shares a story from a friend of his, who saw a tall, black figure cross the road in front of him while driving along the Oregon coast. The friend, who is a non-believer, was shaken by the experience. Another interesting story Rick shares is from the early 70s, when a family was camping in the woods near Mount Hood in Oregon. The father heard strange noises outside their tent, and when he went to investigate, he saw a large, dark figure standing near a tree. The figure then walked away, leaving large footprints behind. Throughout the video, Rick emphasizes that he doesn't have any groundbreaking evidence to present, but rather a collection of interesting stories that he's gathered over the years. He encourages listeners to keep an open mind and to consider the possibility that Bigfoot may exist. Overall, the video is a fascinating listen for anyone interested in Bigfoot. Rick's stories are engaging and well-told, and his passion for the subject is clear. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot, I highly recommend checking out the video and subscribing to the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel.