Mushroom Hunters Encounter Intelligent Bigfoot in Oregon Reserve

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with a Sasquatch on a mushroom hunting trip in Oregon has been captured on video and shared on the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch. The video, titled "Storm Ranch Sasquatch Stares Down Mushroom Hunter then Leaps Thorned Hedge," features an interview with the witness, Leo, who recounts his terrifying experience in detail. Leo and his friends were mushroom hunting in a federal game reserve in Oregon when they stumbled upon a new river that was producing a large number of mushrooms. However, their hunt was interrupted when they heard a group of cows panicking and running away. Leo suspected that the cows were scared of a bear or mountain lion, but as they continued their hike, they realized that they were being flanked. Suddenly, Leo saw a flash of light brown hair and heard two bare feet slapping the asphalt. He quickly turned on his flashlight and saw a Sasquatch running towards him at an incredible speed. The Sasquatch came to a complete stop just 30 feet away from Leo and stared him down before leaping over a thorned hedge and disappearing into the darkness. Leo and his friends were left in shock and quickly left the area. However, they could hear intelligent chatter coming from the trees, sounding like a mix of raccoon and large water drops hitting a hard surface. The chatter continued for several hours, with different entities communicating with each other. The video has sparked a lot of discussion among Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers, with many praising Leo for his bravery and calmness during the encounter. The video also highlights the importance of being aware of one's surroundings when in the wilderness and the potential dangers that lurk in the shadows. If you're interested in watching the full video, you can find it on the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch YouTube channel. And, as always, if you have a Sasquatch sighting or encounter that you'd like to share, please email the details to us at Squatchable. We'd love to hear your story!