Exploring Zone Charlie: Bigfoot Hunter's Quest for Interdimensional Evidence

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel "Bigfoot: Back to the Basics," the host takes us on a journey into Zone Charlie, an area that was burned by a forest fire last year. The host is curious to see how the area is recovering and if any wildlife is moving through. The host starts off by discussing the question of what a Sasquatch is, and shares their opinion that it doesn't really matter what it is. They spent the first year trying to figure out a good theory, but eventually stopped because they didn't want their judgment to be swayed in only one direction. They like to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities, even if they personally don't believe in interdimensional or supernatural theories. As the host hikes up the road, they discuss their curiosity and how it was sparked by their father's stories of Bigfoot. They've had their own experiences with strange vocalizations, knocking noises, and even rocks being thrown at them. They've also found footprints, some of which were big and had five clear toes. The host didn't find any tracks on this particular hike, but they did see a lot of bear, elk, moose, and deer tracks. They also mention that they've heard cougar screams in the area and know that they're there. Towards the end of the video, the host shares a story about finding a track a few years ago on a road that was previously blocked off. The track was about eight to ten inches long and had definite toe marks. They mention that water was still seeping into the track, which means it was made just a minute or two before they arrived. Overall, the video is a great example of the curiosity and passion that many Bigfoot researchers have. The host keeps an open mind and is always eager to explore and learn more. If you're interested in watching the full video, you can find it on the "Bigfoot: Back to the Basics" YouTube channel.