Sasquatch Visits: Unveiling Love Offerings, Footprints, & Bite Marks
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Have you ever woken up with a strange feeling that something isn't quite right? Maybe you've found some unusual signs around your property, but you can't quite put your finger on what it could be. Well, the folks over at Expert Sasquatch Experts on YouTube have come up with a list of the top five signs that Sasquatch has visited your porch. And as a paranormal reporter, I couldn't help but share this intriguing information with my fellow Squatchable readers!
First up on the list is finding "annoying love offerings" on your porch. According to the video, this could be anything from a nasty old stogie to other unexpected gifts. While some may find this charming, it's essential to remember that Sasquatch may be trying to communicate with you.
The second sign is hearing "crushing sounds" in the forest near your home. While this may not directly indicate that Sasquatch has visited your porch, it's still a sign that something big is nearby. Keep your ears open and stay alert!
Number three on the list is finding enormous footprints on your deck. While this is an obvious sign, it's still worth mentioning. Sasquatch has large feet, so any prints you find will be hard to miss.
Sign number four is discovering "droppings" on your porch or deck. These droppings are said to be bigger than bear droppings but smaller than dinosaur droppings. So, if you come across something that fits that description, it's worth considering that Sasquatch may have paid you a visit.
Last but not least, the number one sign that Sasquatch has visited your porch is waking up with huge bite marks. However, there's a catch - if you have bite marks, it's possible that Sasquatch may have abducted you. And, unfortunately, you're probably not going to be able to get any medical attention since, well, you're dead.
While this list may seem a bit tongue-in-cheek, it's still worth considering. After all, Sasquatch is a mysterious creature, and we can never be too sure what signs to look for. So, the next time you find a stogie on your porch or hear some unusual sounds in the forest, remember that it could be Sasquatch trying to communicate with you.
If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and other paranormal phenomena, be sure to check out the Expert Sasquatch Experts YouTube channel. And, as always, keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for any signs of the unknown!