French Vet Analyzes Japanese Bigfoot Cadaver: Size, Diet, and Features Revealed

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A veterinarian from Burgundy, France has recently shared his expert opinion on a video of a Hibagon (Japanese Bigfoot) cadaver that was broadcast by Fuji TV in 2017. Dr. Jean Philippe Woti, a scientist in bird, wildlife, fauna, zoo, and exotic medicine, is the first medical professional to speak publicly about the Hibagon cadaver. In the video, Dr. Woti examines the body and provides his analysis based on the pictures available. He estimates that the animal is 192.5 centimeters long from head to foot and weighs between 120 to 200 kilograms. The hand length is 22.5 centimeters, and the doctor notes that the plants near the body suggest that the body was found between June to October. Dr. Woti also comments on the animal's diet, suggesting that it is more vegetarian than carnivorous, based on the shape and size of its teeth. He notes that the animal's face does not resemble any other primate and suggests that it may be related to Australopithecus or Paranthropus species, which do not exceed 1.7 meters tall. The veterinarian also shares his thoughts on the black teeth found in the Hibagon's mouth, suggesting that they may be black due to the impregnation of iron pigment from chlorophyll. Dr. Woti expresses his interest in visiting Japan one day and has been invited as a guest by the YouTube channel that posted the video. As a curator of this video, I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on Dr. Woti's analysis. It is always exciting to hear different perspectives and opinions on the existence of Hibagon or any other cryptids. Let's continue to keep an open mind and respect all ideas.