Hellbenders Brave Threats, Pursue Laughing Beast in the Woods

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

It sounds like the folks over at Hellbent Holler have had quite the week! In their latest video, titled "HH LIVE 41: Death Threats, Peruvian Face Peeling Aliens & More," hosts Jesse and Joe dive into a range of intriguing topics. One of the most striking parts of the video is when Jesse shares a bizarre and threatening message they received on one of their live streams. The comment, which was initially flagged as spam, accused the hosts of being "Pagan left-wing net jobs" and even contained a veiled threat. If that wasn't enough, the commenter also began contacting other paranormal-themed YouTube channels, leaving threatening voicemails and emails. It's certainly concerning to hear about such behavior, but it's clear that Jesse and Joe are taking it in stride. In addition to discussing the threatening message, the hosts also talk about their recent adventures in the field. They went on a scouting mission to the Laughing Beast area, where they hoped to capture audio of the elusive and mysterious sounds that have been reported in the area. Unfortunately, all they ended up capturing was the sound of bugs. But, as any seasoned researcher knows, you have to keep trying and stay persistent in order to make any progress in the world of the paranormal. Overall, it sounds like the folks at Hellbent Holler are staying busy and keeping things interesting for their viewers. If you're a fan of the strange and unusual, be sure to check out their latest video and see what else they have in store.