Bigfoot Encounter in Northeastern Vancouver Island: A Two-Time Witness's Story
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In a fascinating video from the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning, Tom Sewid shares his personal encounter with a being known as Jonah, or Bigfoot, in his native community on Northeastern Vancouver Island. As a two-time witness and field researcher with over 40 years of experience, William Jevning introduces Tom, who has had his own close encounter with this elusive creature.
Tom, a native of the Kwakwaka'wakw First Nation, grew up surrounded by the culture and stories of Jonah. The tribe has a deep connection to Bigfoot, with their villages adorned with totem poles and carvings depicting the creature. According to Tom, Jonah is the highest-ranked crest in their culture, and children are taught from a young age to behave as Jonah is always watching.
Tom's personal encounter with Jonah occurred while he was working as a native Watchman in an abandoned native village with his partner, Trevor. One day, Trevor had a close encounter with a Sasquatch that was sleeping behind their trailer. Though Trevor didn't mention it at the time, Tom noticed that he had moved his sleeping quarters away from the window that night.
The following year, Tom and Trevor returned to the village and noticed strange occurrences, such as smells, noises, and big tracks in the grass. It wasn't until the third year that they saw two bipedal shadows walking by their trailer, accompanied by a whistling chirp. This sighting confirmed Tom's suspicions, and he knew that they were in the presence of Jonah.
The video also touches on the importance of respecting and preserving the culture and stories surrounding Bigfoot. Tom's personal encounter and deep connection to Jonah serve as a reminder of the significance of these creatures in native communities.
If you're interested in learning more about Tom's encounter and the connection between native communities and Bigfoot, be sure to check out the video on BIGFOOT! / William Jevning's YouTube channel. It's a captivating and informative watch that sheds light on the cultural significance of Bigfoot and the importance of preserving these stories.