Florida Father and Son's Close Encounter with a Reddish-Brown Bigfoot in 2006

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A heartwarming story of an innocent Bigfoot sighting from a child has recently been shared on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa. The channel invites anyone who has had a Bigfoot sighting but is hesitant to share their story to email them, and they will share it anonymously. This particular story took place near Land o' Lakes, Florida, in November 2006. A father was waiting outside his son's school with him when his neighbor called and asked if they had experienced any strange sightings in the woods. The son interrupted and said that he had seen something. The neighbor asked a series of questions, and the father asked his son why he hadn't mentioned that he saw a Bigfoot. The son replied that he didn't know what a Bigfoot was. The innocence of a child is truly something special. The father and son were out in the woods, and the son saw something that he couldn't explain. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that it was big, tall, had a reddish-brown color, and an awful smell. The son also mentioned that it had a pointed head and no visible ears. The neighbor asked if it was walking on two legs, and the father asked his son why he hadn't mentioned that before. The son replied that he didn't know that there was such a thing as a Bigfoot. This response is a testament to the innocence of a child who doesn't know about the existence of Bigfoot. The story is a reminder that Bigfoot sightings can happen anywhere, even in Florida. It's also a reminder that children can have a unique perspective on the world around them. They see things that adults might miss or dismiss. We encourage our readers to watch the video and hear the story for themselves. It's a heartwarming tale that reminds us of the wonder and mystery that the world holds. Who knows, maybe there are more Bigfoot sightings out there waiting to be discovered by innocent children and shared with the world.