Bigfoot Society's BC19 Expedition: Challenging Terrain, No Litter, and Canine Courage

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across an intriguing video on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Society. The video, titled "They Almost Didn’t Make It Out Alive!", features Good Friends of the podcast Tate Hieronymus and Ron Reed recounting their BC19 expedition in Northern California. In the video, Tate and Ron share their harrowing experience of hiking through Bluff Creek in search of Bigfoot evidence. The terrain proved to be much more challenging than they had anticipated, with large boulders, swift currents, and thick brush hindering their progress. Despite their determination, they only made it about a mile in before deciding to turn back due to exhaustion and the risk of injury. Tate Hieronymus, a Bigfoot researcher, and Ron Reed, an armchair and field researcher with training in environmental field technician roles, were well-prepared for their expedition. However, they were not equipped for the harsh conditions they encountered. They had planned to hike four miles with ultralight gear, but the terrain proved to be too difficult and unforgiving. Ron's dog, Bandit, accompanied them on their journey and handled the water crossings well. Despite the challenges they faced, Tate and Ron remained in good spirits and were grateful for the experience. They plan to revisit the area in the future, better prepared and equipped for the terrain. If you're interested in hearing more about Tate and Ron's BC19 expedition, be sure to check out the video on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. It's a fascinating account of the challenges and rewards of Bigfoot research.