Bigfoot Gifting: Mysterious Signs and Treasures Revealed

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat. A YouTube channel called "Dazzle You" has shared some fascinating videos related to Sasquatch gifting science. For those who are new to the concept, gifting science refers to the practice of leaving offerings for Bigfoot in the hopes of making contact or building a relationship with them. In one of the videos, the channel's host, Dan, shares his experience of placing two nickels inside a cartridge box with a double-sided lock and leaving it in the woods. When he returned, he found one nickel inside the box and another one underneath it. Dan interprets this as evidence that something with hands had interacted with his gift. Another video features a white Egret feather, which Dan believes is a gifting of Bigfoot. According to Native American traditions, the Egret feather symbolizes life and other things. Dan also claims to have caught a "blinking Sasquatch" on camera just seconds after finding the feather. One of the most intriguing videos is where Dan shows what he calls a "family of Bigfoots" crossing a river. He also shares a relic that he pulled out of the mud from a construction zone, which he believes is a carving of a pregnant Bigfoot. The relic has a face carved on it and can also be used as a ladle. Dan also shares his experience of hearing Bigfoot talk to him and finding a rock with a bigfoot face on it. He believes that the rock is a turtle shell that Bigfoot uses to eat turtles. If you're interested in Sasquatch gifting science, these videos are definitely worth checking out. Who knows, you might even pick up some tips for your own gifting experiments. Just remember to always approach Bigfoot with respect and never put yourself in danger. Happy Squatching!