Father and Son's Encounter with a Tall Black Humanoid in the Woods

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A chilling encounter with a possible Sasquatch was recently captured on camera and shared on the Travel Channel's YouTube channel. In the video, a father and son recount their terrifying experience while camping in a secluded area. As they were settling into their campsite, the pair noticed a strong smell of iron in the air. They couldn't pinpoint the source of the smell, but it was powerful enough to make them both feel uneasy. The son decided to investigate and ventured deeper into the woods. As he was walking, he suddenly heard the sound of branches snapping and twigs cracking. He turned to see a large, black humanoid figure standing just a few feet away from him. The figure was at least nine feet tall and completely dwarfed the father who was standing nearby. The son was frozen with fear as the figure walked past him and disappeared into the woods. The father and son quickly gathered their belongings and left the campsite, feeling shaken and scared. As they were leaving, they noticed a large brush pile near their campsite. Upon closer inspection, they saw that the grass had been pressed down, as if something had been squatting there watching them. They also noticed that the figure had left large footprints in the soft ground. The father and son were left feeling bewildered and scared by their encounter. They couldn't believe what they had just witnessed and were grateful to have made it out of the woods unscathed. The Travel Channel's YouTube video provides a first-hand account of a possible Sasquatch encounter. While the existence of Sasquatch is still a topic of debate, this video serves as a reminder that the woods can be a mysterious and unpredictable place. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Travel Channel's YouTube channel. And if you've had a Sasquatch encounter of your own, we'd love to hear about it. You can share your story with us at Squatchable.com.