10 Alarming Bigfoot Sightings That Caught FBI's Attention: Watch Now!

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Bigfoot sightings are a fascinating and controversial topic, with many people claiming to have seen the elusive creature but very few having concrete evidence to back up their claims. However, there are a few videos that have caught the attention of both Bigfoot believers and skeptics alike, including some that have even gotten the FBI worried. One of the most well-known Bigfoot videos is the Patterson-Gimlin footage, which was taken in 1967. The video appears to show a Bigfoot walking through the woods, and has been analyzed frame by frame by both believers and skeptics. However, the quality of the footage is not great, and it is still unclear whether the creature in the video is a real Bigfoot or simply a person in a costume. Another intriguing video comes from a Canadian named Adrian Erickson, who started a significant field investigation into Sasquatch in both Canada and the US in 2000. One of the videos from this investigation shows a young Bigfoot eating pancakes, and was recorded in Kentucky. The video, which was uploaded to YouTube, caused a stir among Bigfoot enthusiasts and skeptics alike. A Russian documentary on Bigfoot in Siberia, published in 2009, also caused a sensation when it included a three-second long clip depicting an unidentified humanoid. The region of Siberia has a long history of Sasquatch encounters and recent sightings, and the figure in the footage closely resembles the Sasquatch profile. In 2007, a man named Jim Holder and his son filmed an unidentified being strolling around Estes Park, Colorado. The video, which was captured on a cell phone, has poor viewing quality, but many believe it to be one of the most convincing pieces of Bigfoot footage ever taken. A video uploaded to YouTube in 2011, titled "helicopter hunt Bigfoot," shows a helicopter flying above a group of people target shooting. The uploader claims that the helicopter was searching for Bigfoot, and that they were able to capture footage of the creature racing through the trees. In 1996, Robert Pridgen recorded one of the most well-known Bigfoot videos at the Lembo Lake Campground in the U.S state of New York. The video, which was found six years after it was taken, shows a creature hoisting a smaller animal into a tree. A video taken in Southeast Manatee County, Florida in 2008, shows a large humanoid figure walking through a wooded area. The video, which was uploaded to YouTube, has been analyzed and discussed by Bigfoot enthusiasts and skeptics alike. A video taken in the Crimean Peninsula in 2011, shows a humanoid monster wandering through Crimean woodlands. The video was uploaded to YouTube by a user who claimed to have witnessed the creature firsthand. These are just a few of the many Bigfoot sightings that have been captured on video. While some of the footage is clearly hoaxes, others are more convincing and have caused even the FBI to take notice. Whether or not you believe in Bigfoot, these videos are definitely worth a watch.