Giant, Hairy Creature Observed at Sutton Lake in 2007: New Bigfoot Evidence
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
In a chilling account of a possible Sasquatch encounter, the YouTube channel Small Town Monsters brings us the video "Man VS Monster - Sasquatch Unearthed: Mountain State Monsters (Bigfoot Encounters Documentary)". The video features an interview with a witness who claims to have seen a Sasquatch while bass fishing on Sutton Lake in Braxton County, West Virginia.
The witness describes seeing a "big brown" figure with long hair, standing between the shore and the water. The creature was reportedly watching the fishermen as they cast their lines. The witness goes on to describe the area where the encounter took place, stating that it would be difficult to reach by land and that the best way to access the area would be by boat.
Braxton County has a rich history of strange and unusual occurrences, including the famous Flatwoods Monster sighting in 1952. The town of Sutton, located in the heart of Braxton County, has embraced its weird history with the Flatwoods Monster Museum and the West Virginia Bigfoot Museum.
The witness's description of the Sasquatch encounter is consistent with other reports of the elusive creature. Sasquatch are often described as being tall, with long hair and a muscular build. They are known to avoid human contact and are rarely seen.
The possibility of missing persons being taken by Sasquatch is also discussed in the video. While it is impossible to know for sure, it is certainly a possibility that should be considered. Sasquatch are known to be territorial and may view humans as a threat.
Overall, the video is a fascinating look at a possible Sasquatch encounter and the history of strange occurrences in Braxton County. If you are interested in the paranormal or just enjoy a good story, this video is definitely worth a watch.
You can check out the video for yourself on the Small Town Monsters YouTube channel. And for more information on Sasquatch sightings and research, be sure to check out the Squatchable website.