Bigfoot Encounter: Explorers Investigate Mysterious Knocks and a Whoop Sound

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across an intriguing video on YouTube from the channel Squatch Watchers. The video, titled "Pursuing Bigfoot | First Person Police Grade Body Camera Investigation," is a first-person perspective investigation of a possible Bigfoot sighting. The video begins with the investigator approaching the area where he believes he saw a shadow figure. He then comes across a spot where he thinks the creature may have been. He notes that the creature appeared to be much larger than himself, and he wonders if it could be Bigfoot. As the investigation continues, the investigator hears strange noises and knocks, which he believes could be the creature communicating. He also discovers a broken tree branch, which he thinks could be evidence of the creature's presence. The investigator then comes across a mound of dirt and rocks, which he finds intriguing. He notes that the top half of the mound looks fresh, as if it has only been there for a week or two. He also finds a large mushroom growing on the mound, which he finds unusual. As the investigation continues, the investigator begins to feel uneasy and experiences heart palpitations. He also notes that his body is buzzing, which he finds strange. Despite this, he continues to explore the area, determined to find evidence of the creature's presence. Towards the end of the video, the investigator hears a loud knock and sees two flashes of light in the distance. He believes that these could be the creature trying to communicate with him. Overall, the video is a fascinating look at a possible Bigfoot sighting. While there is no definitive evidence of the creature's presence, the strange noises, broken branches, and mound of dirt and rocks all suggest that something unusual may be happening in the area. If you're interested in Bigfoot sightings and investigations, I highly recommend checking out this video. It's a great example of the kind of first-person perspective investigations that are becoming more popular in the world of Bigfoot research.