Ohio Bigfoot Encounter: Doug's Chilling 1984 Story

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning, Doug shares his chilling encounter with a creature in Ohio. Doug, a seasoned outdoorsman, describes the creature as a hulking figure, over 13 feet tall and five and a half feet wide, completely black and emitting a sound that he can only describe as demonic. The encounter took place in a cornfield, right along the Indiana state line, in the summer of 1984. Doug and his friends had decided to take a late-night walk through the cornfields, making their way to a nearby house. As they approached the edge of the cornfield, they suddenly heard a loud explosion and a scream. Doug describes the sound as nothing he had ever heard before, and the sight of the creature left him and his friends in shock. The creature was tearing through the cornfield, pacing back and forth and making a thudding sound with each step. Doug and his friends were within a few yards of the creature when it first screamed, and they quickly realized that it was not a deer, as one of Doug's friends had suggested. Doug describes the creature as having a silhouette, but otherwise, it was pitch black and impossible to make out any details. The creature's final growl was so powerful that Doug could feel it in his chest. The encounter left Doug and his friends shaken, and they quickly made their way to the nearest house, which was 250 yards away. The creature never made another sound, and Doug has not heard anything like it since. He is convinced that what he and his friends encountered was not a white-tailed deer, which was the biggest animal in Ohio at the time, but something else entirely. Doug's encounter is a chilling reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of the creatures known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. These creatures have been reported for centuries, and encounters like Doug's continue to fuel the intrigue and fascination surrounding them. If you're interested in learning more about Doug's encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the BIGFOOT! / William Jevning YouTube channel. And, as always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and share their own experiences and thoughts about the world of Bigfoot.