Multiple Bigfoot Sightings in Eastern Kentucky: Witness Accounts and Evidence
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
A thrilling firsthand account of a Bigfoot sighting has been shared on the YouTube channel, My Bigfoot Sighting. In the video titled "Oh! There’s Bigfoot! - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 101," a witness describes their encounter with the mysterious creature in Eastern Kentucky around Thanksgiving 2006.
As a 16-year-old, the witness was sitting on her front porch, talking on the phone with friends, when she noticed something unusual. She saw a huge creature, at least seven or eight feet tall, walking in a nearby hay field. The creature was estimated to weigh between 500-600 pounds and had a grayish color with white and light brown patches.
The witness described the creature's hands as being below its knees, with no hair on them, and its face as having thin lips and a flat nose. The chest did not have any hair, and the witness believed it was a male due to the defined chest muscles. The creature's hair was neat and appeared groomed, with no visible ears.
The witness's family initially dismissed her account, but her father took her to search the area with a spotlight. They couldn't find the creature, but the witness's two cats had been acting strangely before the sighting, and her aunt had smelled a foul odor, similar to a wet dog or roadkill.
The next day, the witness searched for footprints but couldn't find any due to the hard ground and leaf litter. However, she noted that several neighbors and friends had also reported Bigfoot sightings in the area.
The sheriff at the time had an encounter within a two-week span of the witness's sighting. He described the creature as white or gray with light brown patches, similar to the witness's description. The sheriff and his deputies tracked the creature for over a mile, finding footprints and hair in a fence.
Another neighbor had a Bigfoot encounter in the 1970s while looking for lost hunting dogs. The creature was described as white and hairy, with glowing red eyes.
The witness's friend also had a sighting around 2010. While driving home from work late at night, the friend saw two large white legs and a chest with glowing red eyes in his headlights.
This captivating testimony is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The witness's detailed account provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of Sasquatch. Make sure to check out the full video on the My Bigfoot Sighting YouTube channel and share your thoughts with us at Squatchable.