Sasquatch Encounter in Mississippi: A Hunter's Chilling Tale
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
Recently, a video was posted on YouTube by The Cryptid Huntress featuring Mike from the Red Creek Mafia YouTube channel. In the video, Mike shares his terrifying encounter with a Sasquatch while hunting deer in Mississippi in December 2020.
The Cryptid Huntress begins the interview by introducing Mike and encouraging viewers to check out his channel. She also takes a moment to mention her own website, patreon, and shop, as well as some recent interviews she's done on other shows.
Mike then begins to tell his story, setting the scene in south Mississippi during hunting season. He explains that he went to Leaf River Management Area to get away from dog hunters and found a spot in the middle of nowhere, with the closest house being 30 miles away. He had previously hunted in a ryegrass field, but after realizing that the deer were too smart for that, he found a choke point and set up in a pine tree to ambush them.
On the day of the encounter, Mike had gotten up his tree early and was waiting for the woods to calm down. He noticed that something was off, but didn't think much of it. As it got closer to dark, he saw a deer across the power lines, but something didn't seem right about it.
Suddenly, Mike heard a loud noise and saw the deer take off. He then heard footsteps and branches breaking, and knew that something was in the woods with him. He grabbed his gun and prepared for the worst.
As Mike tells the story, he becomes more and more animated, describing the fear he felt as he realized that he was not alone in the woods. He eventually saw the Sasquatch, and it was only 15 feet away from him.
The Cryptid Huntress asks Mike to describe what he saw, and he does his best to put into words the terrifying experience. He also shares some of the reactions he's received from friends and family, as well as some of the research he's done on Sasquatch sightings in the area.
Towards the end of the video, The Cryptid Huntress and Mike discuss some of the negative reactions they've received from skeptics, and how they've learned to deal with them. They also encourage viewers to keep an open mind and to check out the Red Creek Mafia channel for more Sasquatch sightings and encounters.
Overall, the video is a fascinating account of a terrifying Sasquatch encounter, and it's definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. Be sure to check out The Cryptid Huntress and Red Creek Mafia on YouTube for more stories and sightings.