East Texas Bigfoot Encounter: A Viewer's Chilling Story

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Sasquatch enthusiasts, have you heard the latest report from East Texas? A fascinating account was shared with the YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory, and it's definitely worth a closer look. The witness, Dave Moore, recounts his experience at the age of 11 when he was hunting with his father. As he sat in his deer stand, he heard leaves crunching and grew concerned, as they had never encountered anyone else on their property before. Suddenly, a large, dark-haired figure appeared just 15 feet away. Dave could only see the right third of its body, but it seemed to be over six feet tall, muscular, and covered in reddish-brown fur. Its head appeared too small for its body, and it had no visible neck. Dave was in shock, unable to move or react as the creature tried to pick up his scent. After what felt like an eternity, it grunted and walked away, disappearing into the woods. Dave never shared this encounter with anyone until many years later, after hearing Bigfoot vocalizations in South Colorado. What makes this story even more intriguing is that Dave's father later shared a similar account from one of his friends, a hunting guide who had a harrowing encounter with a hunter in the Neches River Bottom. The hunter claimed to have seen a large, hair-covered creature carrying a wild hog it had just killed. These stories from East Texas and Aurora, Missouri, remind us that Sasquatch sightings can occur anywhere, even in areas not typically associated with Bigfoot activity. Be sure to check out the full video on Sasquatch Theory's YouTube channel and share your thoughts with us at Squatchable. We always encourage our readers to watch the original videos and form their own opinions. Stay curious, fellow Sasquatch enthusiasts!