Bartender Shares Patrons' Sasquatch Encounters at Big Winnie Bar

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Over on the Expert Sasquatch Experts YouTube channel, they've recently shared a fascinating episode that's sure to pique the interest of Squatchable readers. In "Episode 29: Big Winnie Bar Sasquatch Interview, Part 2," the hosts continue their in-depth interview with Angelia, an expert bartender from the Big Winnie bar, who has had numerous encounters with Sasquatch witnesses. Throughout the interview, Angelia shares her experiences with patrons who claim to have seen Sasquatch in the area, which is known for its proximity to the nationally recognized home of Sasquatch. While some skeptics might argue that these stories come from individuals who have had a bit too much to drink, Angelia remains adamant that there's truth to their accounts. As the hosts press Angelia on whether she has ever encountered a Sasquatch herself, she admits that she hasn't, but emphasizes that many of her customers have. In fact, she reveals that the very first person who shared a Sasquatch sighting with her had simply not told her about it until they were under the influence. The Expert Sasquatch Experts hosts use this revelation as evidence that people in the Big Winnie bar have indeed seen Sasquatch. While some may argue that this isn't definitive proof, it's certainly an interesting piece of the Sasquatch puzzle. If you're intrigued by this interview and want to hear more from Angelia, be sure to check out the full video on the Expert Sasquatch Experts YouTube channel. And, as always, we encourage our Squatchable readers to keep an open mind and stay curious about all things Sasquatch.