In a chilling account of an encounter with the elusive and enigmatic Sasquatch, Rico from Southeastern Oklahoma shares his harrowing experience with the Mysteries Unknown YouTube channel. Rico and his companions had gone hunting in the mountains, using the popular pastime as a cover for their true objective: to search for Bigfoot.
As they rode around in the mountains, they would holler and knock on trees, trying to elicit a response from the creature they sought. One night, they heard a guttural growl that sounded like a cross between a cow's bellow and a roar. The sound was so close that they could feel the vibrations in the ground. Despite the proximity of the noise, they couldn't see anything, as the area was heavily wooded and it was snowing.
Years later, Rico and his family went camping in the same area. When they returned to their campsite, they found that everything had been destroyed. Tents were in disarray, and their belongings were scattered around. Although they initially suspected that wild horses had caused the damage, they couldn't find any tracks to support their theory.
The following morning, Rico and his oldest son went hunting in a draw. Suddenly, Rico heard a scream that was so loud that it shook his clothes. He was paralyzed with fear, unsure of what to do. His son, who was nearby, also heard the noise and started running towards the truck. As they drove away, they heard coyotes howling in the distance.
Rico's son explained that he had heard a whistle and thought it was his father calling him. When he realized that it wasn't, he heard the whistle again, followed by a wet dog and rotten meat smell. Rico's son was visibly shaken by the encounter and told Rico that it would change him.
The following morning, Rico discovered a handprint on the side of his youngest son's tent. It was as if someone had been peering in. Although they didn't get a picture of it, the handprint was large and had a distinct shape.
The experience has left a lasting impact on Rico and his family. His youngest son refuses to go camping or hunting in the woods, and Rico himself is more cautious when he hears strange noises while deer hunting. The encounter has changed the way he perceives the woods, and he can't help but feel uneasy when he hears something that isn't a deer.
Rico's story is a fascinating and terrifying account of an encounter with a creature that remains shrouded in mystery. While some may dismiss it as a hoax or a misidentification, others will see it as further evidence of the existence of Sasquatch. Whatever one's beliefs, Rico's story is a chilling reminder of the power and unpredictability of nature.