Bigfoot Encounter: Viewer's 1979 Massachusetts Sighting and Mysterious Tree Knocks

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Hey Squatchable readers, I recently came across an interesting video on YouTube from the channel The Facts By Howtohunt . com. The video, titled "Live Remote British Columbia 2nd Time SUCCESS !!!" features a man testing out some new technology while hunting in the beautiful mountains of British Columbia. But that's not what caught my attention. During the video, the man reads an email from a viewer who shares their own Bigfoot encounter. The viewer, who goes by the name Rick, grew up in a military family and lived in Massachusetts behind the military housing where there were a lot of woods. When he was eight years old, Rick and his neighbor friend would often go to their spot in the woods which was a trailhead that led into the woods. One day, while walking up the trail, Rick and a Bigfoot almost ran into each other. They both froze, staring at each other just 10 to 15 feet apart. Rick describes the Bigfoot as being 10 feet tall, covered in dark fur, and having a huge shoulder width and extremely powerful build. He also mentions that he sensed intelligence from the creature. After a brief moment, Rick took off back towards his bike and rode home as fast as he could. Years later, Rick had another encounter with Bigfoot while visiting Bolin Lake in Oregon. This time, he heard wood knocking, which he believes was a way for the creature to communicate with him. It's always fascinating to hear about other people's Bigfoot encounters and this one is no exception. You can check out the full video for yourself and read the email in its entirety. Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to share your own Bigfoot encounter. Happy Squatching!