Investigating Bigfoot Hit-and-Run Incidents: 1975 Accounts Analyzed

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of Bigfoot hit and runs? It might sound far-fetched, but there have been numerous reports of motorists hitting and running away from a Bigfoot creature. The YouTube channel MindShock recently released a video titled "THE MOST SHOCKING BIGFOOT ROAD ENCOUNTERS!" where they dissect this topic with logic and reason. As a curator for Squatchable, I came across this fascinating video and decided to share some of the most intriguing incidents mentioned in it. The video starts with a report from February 1975 in North Gainesville, Florida, where a Bigfoot was allegedly hit by a car. The most recent incidents mentioned in the video are from just a week ago, but the details of those cases were not provided. One of the incidents that caught my attention was from March 6, 1975, in North Lake Okichibi, Martin County, Florida. Steve and Mrs. Humphreys collided with a Bigfoot running fast across the road. There was much damage to the car, but no victim could be found. This report comes from an interview with Bob Morgan on Bigfoot. Another interesting case is from April 28, 1975, in Rocks, Maryland. Peter Hurac was driving home at 3 am when he hit a Bigfoot, which ran off clutching its side. This incident was investigated by Robert Chance and reported in the York Pennsylvania Daily Record on February 23, 1978. The video also mentions a case from September 3, 1975, in Oroville, California. Mark Carr saw a six to seven-foot Bigfoot with long arms in the early morning while driving. The sighting caused him to run into a tree, resulting in a car accident. These are just a few of the incidents mentioned in the video. It's important to note that Squatchable does not take a stance on the validity of these reports, but we believe in open-mindedness and respect for all ideas. If you're interested in learning more about these incidents, I encourage you to watch the video on MindShock's YouTube channel. Who knows, it might make you think twice the next time you're driving on a deserted road in the woods.