Bigfoot Encounters: Vietnam's Rock Apes & Mount Saint Helens Legends
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
As a video curator for Squatchable, I recently came across a fascinating video from the YouTube channel Richard Attenborough that I just had to share with our open-minded community of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "EPISODE 4-THE F\*\*\*ING BIGFOOT," features a captivating first-hand account of an encounter with a mysterious creature.
The witness describes seeing something evil with eyes that seemed to say "I just want to kill you." The creature ran towards the witness at an inexplicable rate and left footprints all the way to the door of their house. Although the witness couldn't be sure if the creature was human or not, they were certain that it was something they had never seen before.
The video goes on to explore the legends of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, which have been told for generations in North America and other parts of the world. The witness shares their own experience of hitting a massive creature while driving, which should have killed it but didn't.
The video also delves into the history of Bigfoot sightings during the Vietnam War. In 1966, Marines on Hill 868 in Quangnam Province reported movement in the foliage and described it as a large formation of apes. The Marines were ordered to stay in place and not reveal their position by discharging their weapons. The radio conversation between the Marines on the mountain and their captain is recounted in the video, with the Marines describing the apes as getting close and throwing harder rocks than they could.
Professor Vacui led an expedition into the jungle in 1974 to find evidence of these creatures, and although he didn't find any Rock Apes, he was able to make plaster molds from Footprints he found. Sightings of this mysterious creature continue to this day, and it is still believed to be a flesh and blood Animal by locals rather than a mythical spirit of Legend.
The video also mentions the famous attack of July 16, 1924, when several miners were attacked and besieged by multiple Bigfoot in the forest north of Mount Saint Helens. The prospectors were so frightened that they canceled their mining claim for good.
Overall, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the legends and sightings of Bigfoot. The first-hand account of the witness is chilling, and the historical context provided in the video is fascinating. I encourage all of our readers to check out the video for themselves and share their thoughts with our community.