Exploring Damascus Forest: Bigfoot Tracks, UFO Sightings, and Mysterious Screams
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video posted by the YouTube channel Music&Squatchin, a group of researchers return to a location in Damascus, Virginia where they had previously detected high levels of radiation and what they believed to be evidence of Bigfoot activity.
The video begins with the researchers making their way down an old access road that has been shut down for county work. They are hoping to take advantage of the newly scraped road to find any tracks coming in or out of the woodline.
As they make their way down the road, they come across what they believe to be bear tracks, but they are not convinced. They continue on, making their way to an area where they had historically had a lot of activity.
One of the researchers, Derek, points out a circular object in the brush that looks like it could have been made by something sitting down. They also find a child's hoodie in the same area.
As they continue on, they come across what they believe to be evidence of a Sasquatch. They find a large, 7-foot footprint with no claw marks or teeth marks. They also find a tree that appears to have been pushed over and placed in a specific spot.
The researchers believe that this is where the Sasquatch may have been sitting. They also find strangely placed rocks and what appears to be a pathway.
As they make their way deeper into the woods, they hear what they believe to be a squatch calling out. They also hear what sounds like a UFO flying overhead.
The researchers have been concentrating on this mountain and area for some time now due to the high level of activity and reports of UFO sightings and Bigfoot activity going back to the 1800s.
They plan to set up trail cameras and continue their research in the area.
If you're interested in learning more about this video and the research being done, be sure to check it out on the Music&Squatchin YouTube channel. Who knows, you may just find some evidence of your own.