New Mexico Bigfoot Encounter: Kids' Encounternment and Field Investigation Reveal Surprising Evidence
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning, host William Jevning shares an intriguing encounter with a possible Bigfoot in New Mexico. Jevning, a two-time witness and field researcher with over 40 years of experience, recounts a story told to him by a deputy about some local kids who had a close encounter with a large, hairy, and extremely tall creature.
The incident occurred near an area of historical significance, where Billy the Kid and his gang used to hide out and the Butterfield Stagecoach line once ran. According to the deputy's report, a group of kids were out drinking and having a good time when they started getting pelted with rocks. At first, they thought it was just one of their friends playing a joke, but when the figure stood up, they realized it was something else entirely.
The creature was described as being real big, hairy, and extremely tall, with broad shoulders and a wide stance. The two boys, who are both football players and around six feet three inches tall, estimated that the creature was wider than the two of them put together. It stood about 30 yards away, glaring at the kids before they quickly left the area.
Jevning went to the location to investigate and found stacked rocks and broken limbs, indicating that the creature had been in the area for some time. He also noted that the ground was hard-packed and rocky, making it difficult to find footprints. However, the stacked rocks were particularly interesting and could be a sign of the creature's presence.
While the kids didn't provide a detailed description of the creature's face, Jevning believes that they had a genuine encounter based on their description and the evidence he found at the location. He also notes that this is the first reported sighting in this specific area, although there have been other sightings within a 50-mile circumference of Las Cruces.
Overall, this encounter is a fascinating addition to the world of Bigfoot research. While we may never know for sure what the kids saw that night, the description and evidence suggest that it was something out of the ordinary. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on the BIGFOOT! / William Jevning YouTube channel.