Title: Day 27 - History just won’t die – ghosts of historical significance
Posted Thursday, October 04, 2018
By Squatchable.com staff
Title: Day 27 - History just won’t die – ghosts of historical significance
Tonight's Squatchable Halloween Countdown: History just won’t die – ghosts of historical significance
Movie – Below (rated R) is a WWII ghost movie that takes place on a submarine, available to rent on YouTube and Amazon. (There are better ones out there but they were ridiculously expensive to rent for being old movies)
By definition all ghosts are a part of history but their life story is usually a very small part of a larger canvas. Tonight we are going to just focus on a few with historical significance. People who died and their spirit remains, permanently tied to important events and locations in our history. Here are videos of a few famously haunted locations:
Gettysburg is a hotspot of sightings by people and the ghosts people record here are some of the clearest you see. The types of hauntings here are the residual type, where the horrors of what happened here are described as being on loop:
The White House has been often described as being haunted by Abraham Lincoln but there are many other ghosts roaming the halls there. The story of Winston Churchill seeing Lincoln there indicated that there may be both residual and intelligent hauntings there. This is a good quick and dirty rundown of what’s been seen there:
The town of Salem was made famous because of the Salem witch trials, where people were accused of witchcraft and brutally executed. Take a look at some of the famous hauntings of Salem:
All over the world there are ghost stories tied to historical events or locations, especially if a lot of deaths occurred there. Sometimes a more intelligent haunting is reported but mostly it is residual hauntings. It seems as though their stories are meant to play over and over again, reminding us of what horrors and sadness blanketed that area. In a way, I guess you could say that even though the people are gone, their history never dies…