Sasquatch: A Tale of Bigfoot's Human-Like Intelligence & Biblical Origins

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

A while back, I stumbled upon a video from the YouTube channel Reverend Squatch Animecomic Geek that really caught my attention. In the video, the Reverend discusses a Cryptid-related movie called "Sasquatch" that was produced by the Sci-Fi channel in the early 2000s. According to the Reverend, this movie offers a phenomenal portrayal of what Bigfoot might truly be like. The movie tells the story of a plane crash that kills the Sasquatch's mate, and a billionaire who is searching for a piece of machinery that can instantaneously identify DNA. The Sasquatch in the movie is depicted as a highly intelligent creature that understands human behavior and is able to protect its family from danger. The Reverend praises the special effects and the creature's design, stating that it is the best he has ever seen. He also offers his personal head Canon that the Sasquatch was not the creature's mate, but its daughter, and that it was avenging its death. What I found particularly interesting is the Reverend's belief that Bigfoot are the Children of the beneja Elohim, the children of the Angels through human women, as spoken in the Book of Genesis chapter six. He believes that Bigfoot are the Nephilim, the mighty ones of old, who were always Giants and often hairy. The Reverend concludes the video by encouraging his viewers to watch the movie, stating that it really goes into what he thinks Bigfoot would be like in an entertaining way. I have to agree with him, and I highly recommend checking out the video for yourself. It's a fascinating look at how Bigfoot might truly behave, and it's definitely worth a watch. It's important to note that the video is not produced by us, Squatchable, but by the YouTube channel Reverend Squatch Animecomic Geek. However, we respect and welcome all ideas and opinions about Bigfoot, and we encourage our readers to watch the video and form their own opinions. In conclusion, the "Sasquatch" movie, as discussed in the Reverend Squatch Animecomic Geek's video, offers a unique and entertaining portrayal of Bigfoot as a highly intelligent and protective creature. Whether or not you agree with the Reverend's beliefs about Bigfoot's origins, the movie is definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast.