Bus Driver's Encounter with Real-Life Sasquatches in His Backyard Woods
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
Have you ever heard of the term "pareidolia"? It's a psychological phenomenon where we see meaningful objects, often faces, where there are none. Many so-called Sasquatch encounters are dismissed as nothing more than pareidolia, but what if there's more to it than meets the eye?
A video posted on the YouTube channel Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival by a user named Sean challenges this notion. In the video titled "Sasquatch - You're Not Crazy," Sean shares his personal experience of what he believes to be a genuine Sasquatch encounter.
Sean, a 58-year-old bus driver, had always been a skeptic when it came to the existence of Sasquatch. That is, until a little over a year and a half ago when his life took a turn. He began waking up in the middle of the night, startled by loud noises that he couldn't quite place. At first, he assumed it was intruders, but after conducting a thorough search of his home, he came up empty-handed.
As time went on, Sean began to see large, strange faces in the woods behind his tool shed. At first, he dismissed them as tricks of the mind, brought on by watching too much football before bed. But when the faces started to move and disappear, he began to feel like a lunatic.
Determined to get to the bottom of things, Sean visited a doctor and asked for a psychological evaluation. After several tests and evaluations, he was deemed completely sane. He then decided to venture out into the woods himself, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever it was that he had been seeing.
Armed with a lawn chair and a flashlight, Sean sat in the woods for four hours, staring into the darkness. But despite his best efforts, he didn't see anything. It wasn't until later that night, while heating up a Hot Pocket in the microwave, that he finally saw them - three tall, hairy creatures with big heads, moving through the woods.
Since then, Sean has continued to see glimpses of the creatures, and even hears them hooting, puffing, and growling in the woods. While he admits that they haven't posed much of a threat, he still sleeps next to his gun, just in case.
So, what do you think? Is Sean's encounter nothing more than pareidolia, or is there something more to it? Whatever your opinion, it's always fascinating to hear about personal experiences and encounters with the unknown. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on the Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival YouTube channel.