Prototype Tobacco Smoker Lures Bigfoot: Share Your Results!

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard the theory that Sasquatch is attracted to the smell of cigarettes? It might sound a little far-fetched, but there are numerous reports of people encountering the elusive creature after lighting up. The YouTube channel Idaho Bigfoot decided to put this idea to the test with a prototype tobacco smoker, and the results are intriguing. In a video titled "Cigarettes for Sasquatch? | Ideas On How To Find Bigfoot Ep.9," the channel's host explains that he's heard many stories from hunters who have had deer show up after smoking a cigarette, usually Marlboro. He's also heard reports of Sasquatch appearing after someone started smoking. With this in mind, he built a tobacco smoker out of a metal paint can, using a clean burning solid fuel source and a metal grate for the tobacco. The idea is to have the camera facing downwind, where the smoke is blowing, and another camera facing behind the smoker in case the creature tries to stay out of view. The host suggests that if you're wearing camouflage and descented, or even if you're in plain clothes, you might get different results. It's important to note that the host of the video is not claiming to have encountered Sasquatch himself, but rather is testing out a theory based on reports from others. He encourages viewers to share their own results and opinions on the matter. Whether or not you believe that Sasquatch is attracted to the smell of cigarettes, this video is definitely worth a watch. It's always interesting to see new ideas and methods being used in the search for this elusive creature. And who knows, maybe this tobacco smoker will be the key to finally making contact. You can check out the video on the Idaho Bigfoot YouTube channel and see the prototype tobacco smoker in action for yourself. And as always, if you have any Sasquatch sightings or experiences of your own, be sure to share them with us at Squatchable. We love hearing from our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts!