Missouri Man's Repeated Bigfoot Encounters: Armed Hunts Continue

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a chilling encounter shared on the YouTube channel Mysteries Unknown, a camper in Missouri recounts his three Class A encounters with a Sasquatch. The video, titled "Scary encounter from Missouri," features Eric, who had been camping on the property for months and had several small encounters prior to the Labor Day weekend of 2020. As Eric and his group were sitting around the picnic table, his wife noticed something in the parking lot. At first, Eric dismissed her concerns, assuming it was their friend Mike. However, as his wife continued to insist that someone was there, Eric jumped up to see for himself. To his shock, he saw a large silhouette with two red, glowing eyes standing near the back of a truck. Eric describes the creature as having shoulders almost as wide as the car and standing at around eight feet tall. As soon as Eric spotted the Sasquatch, it moved towards the woods and disappeared. Despite the initial fright, Eric and his group continued to camp on the property, where they had another terrifying encounter a few months later. During the Thanksgiving of 2020, Eric's daughter and her dog were camping with them. At 3 a.m., the dog suddenly took off, and soon after, Eric could smell a strong, unpleasant odor. He heard growling coming from behind his tent, where the dog had been sleeping. The Sasquatch was so close that Eric could hear its growls and feel its hot breath. Despite the frightening encounters, Eric continues to camp on the property. He has even upgraded his weapon of choice from a nine-millimeter to a 44 Magnum, hoping for a better chance at defending himself should the need arise. Eric's story is a chilling reminder of the mysterious and often misunderstood creatures that may be lurking in the woods. Watch the full video on Mysteries Unknown's YouTube channel and share your thoughts with us. If you have a story of your own to share, we'd love to hear it. Remember, without your stories, our platform would not be possible.