Mysterious Electrical Sea Monster: A Paranormal Encounter Analysis
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
Have you ever experienced an electrical charge or a strange buzzing sound during a paranormal encounter? If so, you're not alone. Many people report feeling an electrical charge in the air during encounters with the supernatural. The YouTube channel The XenoHunter explores this phenomenon in their video "Supernatural Science: Electrons."
In the video, The XenoHunter discusses the recurring theme of an electrical charge feeling in the air during paranormal encounters. This can include humming, buzzing, or crackling sounds. The host mentions a comment from a viewer named Milo Aaron8338 who mentioned people hearing a crackling plastic or candy wrapper sound before encountering entities. This made the host think of astral projection, sleep paralysis, and shamanism.
The host then shares a story of a strange encounter with a sea monster in Tacoma, Washington in 1893. Seven men set out on a fishing and hunting adventure and anchored near Point Defiance. During the night, they were awakened by a horrible noise and a strong current of electricity that caused every nerve in their body to sting with pain. They saw a monster slowly drawing in towards the shore, pouring out a stream of water that looked like blue fire. The monster seemed to be emitting a powerful electric current, causing the men to fall unconscious.
The host suggests that the monster may have been an "electrical fish" that receives its power from a submarine cavern of volcanic origin. The men were unable to tell the time as the powerful electric force had stopped their watches, leaving them in darkness until daylight arrived.
The XenoHunter encourages viewers to share their own experiences with electrical phenomena during paranormal encounters. The host reminds us that there isn't much research on this phenomenon and it's difficult to accurately replicate the circumstances in a repeatable situation.
If you're interested in learning more about this phenomenon, be sure to check out The XenoHunter's video "Supernatural Science: Electrons" on YouTube.