Oregon Man's Extraordinary Bigfoot Encounters: Black Eyes, Ashy Skin, and Roof Visitor Revealed

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel, host Jeremiah Byron interviews Josh, who shares his encounters with Sasquatch in the suburbs of West Lynn, Oregon. Josh had previously appeared on episode 290 of the Bigfoot Society podcast, where he discussed his experiences in the Hatcher's pass area of Alaska and some occurrences in Oregon. Josh has recently moved to Oregon and, at first, was more concerned about coyotes or other small animals. However, his perspective changed when he started noticing strange happenings in the area. One of his first encounters was with what appeared to be a vagrant or drug addict near a local park. The individual had black eyes, ashy skin, and an unusual posture. Josh later realized that this figure was not human, but rather, a Sasquatch. During a hunting trip in Klamath Falls, Josh had another unexpected encounter with a young grizzly bear. Although he didn't make a successful kill, the experience was still memorable and exciting. The West Lynn area, where Josh resides, is undergoing rapid expansion, with modern civilization encroaching on what remains of the wilderness. Despite the urbanization, Sasquatch sightings are still common in the area. In fact, Josh has observed that they seem to be present even in the most unexpected places, such as behind fast-food restaurants. Josh's experiences highlight the adaptability of Sasquatch and their ability to thrive in various environments. The creature he encountered in Oregon appeared slightly different from those he had previously encountered in Alaska, demonstrating the diversity of Sasquatch appearances. To learn more about Josh's encounters and insights, be sure to check out the full video on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. These captivating stories offer a unique perspective on the Sasquatch's presence in urban and suburban areas, reminding us that their existence extends beyond the forests and mountains.