April 2013 Encounter: Sasquatch's Intense Roar and Thumping Caught on Audio
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A thrilling audio clip of what is believed to be a Bigfoot scream has been making waves in the online Sasquatch community. The recording was shared on the YouTube channel Salish Sasquatch back in April 2013.
According to the channel's description, the audio was captured when the brother-in-law and husband of the channel's owner were outside, and they heard some loud roaring. The owner quickly grabbed their Samsung Galaxy phone and started recording. The resulting audio is chilling, with a series of guttural roars and grunts that are unlike anything you've ever heard before.
The location where the Sasquatch was believed to be is also noteworthy. The channel's owner estimates that the creature was about a quarter mile away from where they were standing, and still, the sound of its roars was so loud that they could feel the thumping in their chests.
What's even more fascinating is that the encounter took place during the day, and the area where the Sasquatch was spotted was an opening, which is consistent with many other sightings and encounters.
The Salish Sasquatch YouTube channel has shared several other videos of possible Sasquatch sightings and encounters, but this particular audio clip has generated a lot of buzz and excitement in the Bigfoot community.
If you're a fan of Sasquatch or simply intrigued by the possibility of its existence, then this audio clip is a must-listen. It's a rare and exciting piece of evidence that adds to the growing body of anecdotal and circumstantial evidence that suggests that Sasquatch may indeed be out there, roaming the forests and wilderness areas of the Pacific Northwest.
So, what do you think? Is this audio clip evidence of a Sasquatch, or is it something else entirely? We'll let you be the judge. Either way, it's an exciting and intriguing piece of content that's worth checking out.
Be sure to head over to the Salish Sasquatch YouTube channel and give them a follow to stay up-to-date on their latest videos and encounters. And, as always, keep your eyes and ears open, and never forget the possibility that Sasquatch may be out there, waiting to be discovered.