Texas Bigfoot Encounter: Witnesses Discover Vocal Sounds, Giant Branch, and Mysterious Knuckle Prints
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
Recently, I came across an intriguing video on YouTube from the channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning. The video, titled "BIGFOOT! THE MONDAY REVIEW | Bigfoot in east Texas | Episode 12," features two witnesses, Joe and Walter, sharing their recent encounter and findings in east Texas.
In the video, Joe and Walter describe their camping trip where they set up recorders and captured some vocal recordings. Walter had a previous encounter in the same area, and during this trip, they found a large branch covering more than half the road. They felt that it was a warning to stay away.
While exploring the area, they discovered what appeared to be knuckle prints, at least four and a half feet apart, with ridges like those made by knuckles. The prints were found in compact sand, and they had to dig their boots into the ground to make an impression. They also found a hand marker or scrape mark, which looked fresh and recent.
Joe and Walter left recorders in the area and returned the next morning. Joe mentioned feeling nervous, which he hadn't experienced in three years. They found a tree branch twisted and broken about 12 feet off the ground, still green and fresh. There was no other damage to the trees in the area.
The witnesses also found saplings snapped off at the top, about seven to eight feet high, and three to four inches in diameter. They couldn't determine what could have caused such damage.
This video is a fascinating account of recent findings and encounters in east Texas. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the possible bigfoot activity in the area. Let's keep an open mind and respect all ideas as we continue to explore and learn about these elusive creatures.