Russian Soldiers Track and Attempt to Shoot Elusive Bigfoot

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Russian Soldiers and a Close Encounter As paranormal video curators, we're always on the lookout for compelling footage that might offer a glimpse into the unknown. Recently, we came across a video from the YouTube channel Squatch Watchers that caught our attention. In the video, titled "Russian Soldiers Shooting at a Bigfoot on Camera as it Flees From Them," we see Russian soldiers taking aim at a Bigfoot as it runs away from them. The video opens with a group of soldiers in a wooded area, their guns at the ready. Suddenly, a large, dark figure can be seen running through the trees. The soldiers quickly take aim and begin firing, but the creature manages to escape. The video's caption poses the question of whether the Bigfoot is simply that elusive, or if the soldiers were just poor shots. It's an interesting question, and one that has sparked a lot of debate among viewers. Some have suggested that the soldiers may have been firing blanks, or that the creature was simply a bear or other animal. However, others point to the size and shape of the figure, which appears to be much larger and more humanoid than any bear or other animal native to the region. As with any paranormal footage, it's important to approach this video with a critical eye. However, there's no denying that the video is intriguing, and it's certainly worth a watch for anyone interested in the world of the unknown. At Squatchable, we believe in keeping an open mind when it comes to the paranormal. While we can't say for certain whether this video shows a real Bigfoot or not, we do think it's worth sharing and discussing. So, what do you think? Is this video evidence of a real Bigfoot, or just a case of poor aim and bad timing? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out the video for yourself. As always, happy squatching!