Day 30 - Silence is a scary sound – Creepy sounds and the fear we feel - Links and videos

Posted Monday, October 01, 2018

By staff

Tonight's Squatchable Halloween Countdown: Day 30 theme is "Silence is a Scary Sound: Creepy Sounds and Fear We Feel". Movie: The Grudge (Can be rented on YouTube, Amazon, Itunes, Google Play, Vudu). It says it’s PG 13 but I still can’t watch it without covering my ears. Hearing is one of our core senses and our brain is processing sounds constantly, mostly filing what it hears under the “normal” folder. Sometimes though, it hears a noise that it can’t dismiss. A creak, a twig snap, a whisper, or even the lack of noise can trigger the flight-or-fight response in any of us. Hollywood understands this better than anyone, using sounds to elicit feelings within us during horror films. A good example is the classic movie “Psycho” with the iconic shower scene and soundtrack. Without the soundtrack “Psycho” just devolves into Sicko:
But when you find yourself in a setting that truly could become a horror film, every tiny noise can become your personal horror soundtrack. Listen to these creepy stories about scary sounds people have heard:
As Bigfoot researchers can attest, the forest at night has no shortage of strange and terrifying sounds, and many of those are by creatures people accept as “known” animals. Listen to these eerie animal sounds:
But what we see a lot of here on Squatchable is sounds that are hard to explain mixed in with the normal forest sounds. Take a listen to these sounds that were collected over 48 hours on a recorder left in a limestone cave by Driftless area Sasquatch:
Along with sounds that just don’t belong. Does screaming lady sounds in an empty house sound normal to anyone?
Or how about drumming and pounding sounds that fill your house? Although in this story about the Drummer of Tedworth, these sounds were the start of poltergeist activity. Listen to the Lore podcast to hear the story: (Link: Thanks for joining us on Day 30 and as a bonus I’ll leave you with an extra podcast. This is a classic one called Buried Alive and it is a great example of classic radio with sound effects: (Link: