Bigfoot Encounter at Blueberry Bog: Father and Son's Chilling Experience and Recorded Vocalization

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across a video on YouTube from the North American Bigfoot Center channel that I just had to share with all the fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts out there. The video, titled "Shriek at the Bog," features a firsthand account from a man named Allan who had a chilling encounter with something mysterious during a camping trip with his son at the blueberry bog. Allan describes hearing a clear tree knock, followed by a distant moan-like sound. The next day, while hiking, his son spotted something around 7 feet tall with dark brown fur running along the tree line. Then, later that evening, they heard a terrifying shriek that Allan compared to a screaming woman, a Banshee, and a Native American war cry. The sound was so intense that it felt like it was going through them. After hearing the shriek, Allan and his son quickly packed up their gear and left the campsite, too terrified to stay any longer. The next morning, they returned to retrieve their gear and found that everything was still intact. Allan then decided to do a whoop to see if anything would respond, and sure enough, they heard a crystal clear tree knock. Intrigued by Allan's story, I knew I had to investigate the area for myself. I called up my friend Kelly Lemieux, a bass player for the rock band Buckcherry, who is also interested in Bigfoot, and we headed out to the blueberry bog. We spent the day searching for footprints and any other evidence of Bigfoot's presence in the area. As the sun began to set, we heard a loud shriek that echoed through the woods. It sounded like a cross between a screaming woman, a Banshee, and a Native American war cry. We both agreed that it was not a bird, elk, or coyote, and we believe it was most likely a Bigfoot. Unfortunately, we didn't find any footprints or have any sightings during our investigation, but the vocalization we heard was definitely intriguing. It matched the description of the sound that Allan heard just a few days prior. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the North American Bigfoot Center's video, "Shriek at the Bog," and to hear Allan's chilling firsthand account of his encounter with something mysterious in the woods. Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to go out and do some Bigfooting of your own!