Day 31 - The Earthen Core of Fear: Caves - Links and videos
Posted Sunday, September 30, 2018
By staff
Tonight's Squatchable Halloween Countdown: Day 31 theme is "The earthen core of fear: caves".
Netflix Movie: As Above, So Below (Rated R)
Kid friendly: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Caves are deep, dark, and full of danger even without the paranormal, as the video shows below:
Beyond the inherent dangers, they are rumored to be haunted or inhabited by unknown creatures. Listen to these true cave horror stories:
One unknown creature you may not have heard of is the Imbunche, deformed creatures covered with thick hair that the Brujo of Chiloe created to guard their caves:
Stories aren't enough for you? Listen to these whispers deep in this cave for yourself (Skip to 12:14 and listen):
Now go get a good nights sleep friends and we will see you tomorrow!