New Bigfoot Movie Spotlight: Ganavetta's Ouachita Beast Incident Article

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Hey there fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! I recently stumbled upon a video from the YouTube channel Master Hughes that I think you'll find interesting. In the video, Hughes excitedly shares that Ganivetta Horror Magazine did an article on the Ouachita Beast Incident, a movie based on a true Bigfoot encounter. Hughes seemed genuinely surprised and thrilled to have discovered Ganivetta Horror Magazine, an independent horror and science fiction magazine. He praised the site for its professional design and well-written article about the Ouachita Beast Incident. Hughes encouraged his viewers to check out the site and the article, and I have to agree – it sounds like a great read! What's even more exciting is that Hughes found the article simply by searching for "Ouachita Beast incident" on the Ganivetta site. So, if you're interested in learning more about this true Bigfoot encounter, be sure to give that a try. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll let you watch the video for yourself to hear Hughes' full thoughts. But I will say that it's always exciting to see Bigfoot encounters getting recognition in the media, and I'm glad that Hughes shared this discovery with his viewers. As a video curator, I'm always on the lookout for interesting Bigfoot-related content to share with our community, and this video definitely fits the bill. So, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the video and the Ganivetta Horror Magazine article on the Ouachita Beast Incident. Who knows what other Bigfoot-related gems you might discover along the way!