Deputy's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Cascade Mountains: New Evidence?

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

In the summer of 1997, a chilling encounter with a Sasquatch occurred in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. The account comes from Jeff, a former Marine and police officer who had recently moved to a small town in the area. Jeff, an avid hiker, decided to take a spontaneous hike in the mountains one warm summer day. As he was taking a break in a small glade, he noticed something strange on top of a rock face. At first, he thought it was a man, but as he looked closer, he realized that the figure had unusual body proportions and was wearing a red fur jumpsuit. Feeling uneasy, Jeff reached for his firearm, and the figure quickly ducked away. Driven by curiosity and fear, Jeff decided to investigate. He climbed the rock face and scanned the area for any sign of the entity, but found nothing. As Jeff continued his hike, he heard loud snaps, like gunshots, coming from different directions. He knew something was stalking him, but he couldn't see what it was. The snaps grew closer and closer, and Jeff found himself running down the mountain in terror. Finally, Jeff made it back to his truck and drove away, shaken by the encounter. He reported the incident to the sheriff, who believed him but told him that investigating would be a waste of time. The sheriff had received similar reports throughout his years in office, and nothing ever came from the investigations. Bigfoot sightings are a worldwide phenomenon, with thousands of reports each year. While some may dismiss these accounts as hoaxes or misidentifications, others believe that there is still much to be discovered in the vast wilderness of our planet. What do you think? Did Jeff encounter a Sasquatch in the Oregon mountains, or did he fall victim to an elaborate prank? You can watch the full video and decide for yourself. And if you enjoyed this article, be sure to like and subscribe to the YouTube channel for more intriguing Sasquatch stories.