Squatch Watchers, a popular YouTube channel known for their Bigfoot sighting videos, recently posted a clip that has everyone talking. In the video, titled "Great White Bigfoot on Camera Trying to Find Place to Sleep in Woods! | Squatch Watchers Shorts," the team captures what appears to be a Sasquatch searching for a place to rest in the forest.
The video starts off with the sound of applause, leading many to believe that the Squatch Watchers team may have been giving a presentation or speaking at an event. As they venture into the woods, they hear rustling in the bushes and quickly turn their cameras to capture the source of the noise.
As they approach, a large, white figure can be seen moving through the trees. The creature appears to be tall and bulky, with long hair covering its body. It moves with a slow, deliberate gait, as if it is searching for a place to sleep.
The Squatch Watchers team does not approach the creature, instead choosing to observe it from a distance. This has led some to criticize their decision, with comments such as "if this person is a Bigfoot researcher and didn't go toward this like the Squatch Watchers do every time they hear something or may see something, they have lost it."
Despite the criticism, the video has been met with excitement from the Bigfoot community. Many believe that the creature in the video is a rare "Great White" Bigfoot, a subspecies that is said to be even more elusive than the regular brown-haired Sasquatch.
Whether or not the creature in the video is a Bigfoot remains to be seen. However, one thing is for sure - the Squatch Watchers team has once again captured the imagination of Bigfoot enthusiasts everywhere.
If you haven't already, be sure to check out the video for yourself and let us know what you think. Who knows, you may just be the one to solve the mystery of the Great White Bigfoot.